HK300 chair

We also be considered your customers age and mobility challenges as foot size, and leg length comfort.
Our spa system base has MET certificates that complies with USA UL 1951 standards and Canadian CSA standards . CE certificate for European markets. HK spa chair has CE certificate too
We use turbine water flow sensor that is a device can measure the flow rate of water through the rotor assembly. The sensor typically consist of a rotor that rotates as water through it and changes to the flow rate by our controller.
Our auto fill system works for differ water pressure. Only need to press keypad A and hold for three seconds before use auto fill system. The auto fill program also can be cancelled at any time as long as press A and hold for three seconds.
Our silicon control panel has three keypads and lights on it. Blue color light is power, orange color light is function. A warning sound every five seconds to remind the manual add water is working.
The auto fill power can be turned off automatically if no water through the sensor.

Blue color light for power and orange color light for differ functions. Easy use for nail technician.
The smart water flow sensor system that can suitable for differ water pressure at differ salons.

Kalopi pedicure spa chairs combines with a wide variety of features and design . Here are some of our important factors to consider for nail salons.
We also have differ shape of arms and wood trays for choice.

Strong U shape arms covered with leather.

Square wood tray with cup holder.

Technician stool with back.